本文共 4268 字,大约阅读时间需要 14 分钟。
Redis支持字符串类型的操作,其底层实现却不是采用C语言表示字符串的方式,而是采用SDS(simple dynamic string,简单动态字符串) 抽象类型进行表示。
存放字符串的字节数组。/* Note: sdshdr5 is never used, we just access the flags byte directly. * However is here to document the layout of type 5 SDS strings. */struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr5 { unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, and 5 msb of string length */ char buf[];};struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr8 { uint8_t len; /* used */ uint8_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */ unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */ char buf[];};struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr16 { uint16_t len; /* used */ uint16_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */ unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */ char buf[];};struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr32 { uint32_t len; /* used */ uint32_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */ unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */ char buf[];};struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr64 { uint64_t len; /* used */ uint64_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */ unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */ char buf[];};
以set msg "hello world!"
为例子:redis会创建一个新的键值对,而关于键msg和值 "hello world!"的表示,则是采用SDS的方式进行实现。
大小的堆内存(+1是为了放置’0’,这个’0’不计入alloc或len)/* Create a new sds string with the content specified by the 'init' pointer - and 'initlen'. - If NULL is used for 'init' the string is initialized with zero bytes. - If SDS_NOINIT is used, the buffer is left uninitialized; - 5. The string is always null-termined (all the sds strings are, always) so - even if you create an sds string with: - 8. mystring = sdsnewlen("abc",3); - 10. You can print the string with printf() as there is an implicit \0 at the - end of the string. However the string is binary safe and can contain - \0 characters in the middle, as the length is stored in the sds header. */sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen) { void *sh; sds s; char type = sdsReqType(initlen); /* Empty strings are usually created in order to append. Use type 8 * since type 5 is not good at this. */ if (type == SDS_TYPE_5 && initlen == 0) type = SDS_TYPE_8; int hdrlen = sdsHdrSize(type); unsigned char *fp; /* flags pointer. */ sh = s_malloc(hdrlen+initlen+1); if (init==SDS_NOINIT) init = NULL; else if (!init) memset(sh, 0, hdrlen+initlen+1); if (sh == NULL) return NULL; s = (char*)sh+hdrlen; fp = ((unsigned char*)s)-1; switch(type) { case SDS_TYPE_5: { *fp = type | (initlen << SDS_TYPE_BITS); break; } case SDS_TYPE_8: { SDS_HDR_VAR(8,s); sh->len = initlen; sh->alloc = initlen; *fp = type; break; } case SDS_TYPE_16: { SDS_HDR_VAR(16,s); sh->len = initlen; sh->alloc = initlen; *fp = type; break; } case SDS_TYPE_32: { SDS_HDR_VAR(32,s); sh->len = initlen; sh->alloc = initlen; *fp = type; break; } case SDS_TYPE_64: { SDS_HDR_VAR(64,s); sh->len = initlen; sh->alloc = initlen; *fp = type; break; } } if (initlen && init) memcpy(s, init, initlen); s[initlen] = '\0'; return s;}